J. Pop & Rock – Kome Kome Club

Kome Kome Club米米CLUB – It is the only J. pop & rock band formed and recognized in 80s. It consists of the large group of members: Carl Smoky Ishii(Vocal), James Onoda(Vocal, Chorus), Bon(Bass), be( Guitar), Flash Kaneko(Saxophone), Toshi(Drums), RYO-J(Drums), Joplin Tokunoh(Guitar), Mataro( Percussion, Chorus), Machiko(Chorus), Juliano Katsumata(Keyboards), Kohtaro(Chorus), Shinji(Chorus),
Minako(Vocal, Dance), Mari(Vocal, Dance), B.H.B., S.C.S., G.I. Gyo(Trumpet), Himarayan Shimogami( Trumpet), Kawai Wakaba(Trombone), Orita Nobotta(Flute), and Fussy Kobayashi(Trumpet). Their songs achieved success by combining musical funky and rakugo styles together. They have released albums in 80s and 90s, like “Roman Hiko”, “Kimi gaIru Dake de” have been stayed in Japan Oricon chart for a long time.